Workshops with secondary school classes
For the workshops organised in the framework of the exhibition (re) for the secondary school classes (9th to 12th grade), the works of the artists Valérie Favre, Zheng Bo, Adrien Missika and Andreas Greiner/Takafumi Tsukamoto were specially selected to be realised by the participating students individually or in small groups.
With a duration of 90 or 180 minutes (depending on the teachers' choice), the workshops offer the opportunity to develop transdisciplinary thinking about nature that touches on ecology, biology, and different modes of artistic expression.
After a brief introduction and group discussion about nature in the city, students become familiar with the idea of the instructions proposed by the artists. Depending on the work chosen, the activity may focus on drawing, creating miniature theater pieces, or making origami to hold a seed. In the 180-minute version of the workshop, the students then design their own instructions to create new connections to nature. In addition, all participants receive the posters of the artists they worked with in A3 format to take home.
Especially for the class of the Gottfried-Keller-Gymnasium these workshops were meant as a developing process. The students had the opportunity to follow another workshop during the "Long Day of Nature" and to show their own instructions during the finissage of the exhibition in the allotment garden Habsburg-Gaußstraße.