Let’s invent a language to narrate my story
- Beni Bischof
- Sabine Hertig
- Christina Hemauer
- Roman Keller
- Uriel Orlow
- Simone Zaugg
- Christine Boillat
- Julian Charrière
- Jonathan Delachaux
- Joëlle Flumet
- Beat Lippert
- Denis Savary
- Bernard Vienat
With Let's invent a language to narrate my story, the art-werk association presents a double exhibition that deals with narration in contemporary art from the point of view of the artist and the viewer. In line with the desire to promote cultural exchange between Switzerland's two largest language regions, the exhibition Let's invent a language to narrate my story will showcase six artists from French-speaking Switzerland in the office building in Zurich and six German-speaking swiss artists in the art space andata.ritorno in Geneva. Admission to both art spaces is completely free of charge.

Each individual work is a carrier and simultaneously mediator of stories that fit together like chapters and want to be read by the viewer in the exhibition.

A mini camera can be handed out to the visitor to enable other viewers to take a virtual tour. In this way, the individual tour through the works is at the same time transmitted to both exhibition venues and to a website. The transmission of the images documents the activities of the two art spaces and encourages visitors to physically explore the two exhibitions themselves

With the kind support of: Pro Helvetia, Loterie Romande, Ernst Göhner, Stiftung Fondation, Oertli Stiftung, La Ville de Genève