Tree planting and curatorial tour with urban diversity expert Olivier Chatelain
Special day "When the eco-neighbourhood becomes a forest" organised as part of the Fête des Vergers for the finissage of the exhibition (re) in Geneva.

At the ceremonial end of the (re) exhibition in Les Vergers, a new tree was planted as a sign of reconnection with the earth. Following the guidance of artist Adrien Missika, the students of the Vergers School who participated in the exhibition workshops named the new tree. We asked the students and residents of the neighbourhood to write down the name they would like to give to the new tree. The name from this list was chosen at the end of the process and unveiled on 2 October at the exhibition's finissage. Among other things, there was a guided tour of the exhibition with curator Bernard Vienat and guest Olivier Chatelain (expert on urban biodiversity).