Designlabs (In collaboration with ISOE and Basis e.v.)
In the two-day workshops, three teams of six people composed of citizens, scientists and artists create prototypes of sustainable solutions.

Design Labs are part of a new workshop format that explores the relationship between art and science in solving complex problems. They are designed by Nicola Schuldt-Baumgart, head of the scientific communication department of the ISOE-Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung and Bernard Vienat, director of art-werk.
These first Design Labs were organised in Frankfurt as part of the support programme for the exhibition There Will Come Soft Rains in Basis and supervised by experts from the HPI School of Design Thinking. As the exhibition conceived a dystopic future for the year 2318, in which the earth would have become difficult to inhabit for the human species, the Design Labs were working on the present, trying to find sustainable solutions, in order to avoid such an apocalyptic scenario.
Topics from former Designlabs:
- "Multi-optional mobile" (06.-07.03.2018)
- "Ways out of the world of plastics" (09.-10.03.2018)
- "For more quality of stay in our cities" (11.-12.04.2018)
- "Consume together" (13.-14.04.2018)