However long or short, however socially constrained or erotically desiring, a kiss is the coming together of two similar but not identical surfaces, surfaces that soften, flex, and deform when in contact, a performance of temporary singularities, a union of bedazzling convergence and identification during which separation is inconceivable yet inevitable.
-- Silvia Lavin
The Real Kiss: Art and Architecture: An Ongoing Dialogue
Il-Jin Atem Choi (DE), Yara Feghali (FR), Viviane Komati (LE), Miriam Kuhlman (DE), Ivan Murzin (RU), Rebecca Nayagam (MY), Iulia Nistor (RO). curated by Bernard Vienat (CH) @Johanne
Based on a collaboration between four artists and four architects from the Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main this exhibition explores the complementarity of specific interests and skills to design and develop an own understanding of the notion of what an exhibition module could be.
Each displayed project is conceived as a holistic work, in which the border of art and architecture either fades away or is renegotiated in the process of the collaborations. The exhibited works are an opportunity to rethink the relation between art and architecture, to validate their interdependence, to pay a tribute to the interaction of both fields – short – to see both spheres being tangent towards one another. The relationship between art and architecture, that has sometimes been discussed as a rivalry, is here reviewed in a fully complementary and integrative sense.